Stylist, consultant and contributing Fashion Editor to Muse magazine, Sara Gilmour has collected vintage her whole life and has been lucky enough to keep hold of some gems handed down from her super stylish grandma and mum. We raided her wardrobe just before Christmas and hand picked our favourites that are now for sale at the pop up shop. Sara has travelled the world attending numerous Fashion Weeks over the years and she is someone who regularly got papped for her laid back style. We chat to our next Chillie tastemaker about all things vintage and she shares some of her most personal pieces and pictures (some pre social media so never before seen!). Thanks for sharing Sara!!

C: Describe your style
S: Professionally I came from a theatre and costume background before I got in to fashion, so for work I usually focus on who the character in the story, client brief or who the talent is and what they might wear. My personal style is quite paired back usually based around jeans and a t-shirt. Then I often elevate it with a strong piece like an oversized tailored jacket or great coat and accessories. I am also partial to a suit and a pair of leather trousers!

C: What’s the story behind Your favourite vintage piece
S: My husband and I were doing a road trip from London to the Pyrenees in our little vintage red MG midget that we had at the time. We didn’t make any plans other than the end point, we just looked up places to go and to stay each day along the way. At one point we stumbled across this incredible lake surrounded by a forest. On the edge of the lake was a log cafe and attached to it was a garage selling random bric-a-brac. There wasn’t much of any interest until right at the back I saw something silk and red. I dug it out and it was an impeccable 1970s red striped silk Balenciaga shirt! We have often tried to find the lake again but never have….

Tips for shopping vintage
Scan for good fabric, colours and prints you like amongst the rails first to save time and energy. Then decide if you like the style and cut.
C: Fav thing on the website

C: What do you like about shopping vintage
S: I have been a vintage enthusiast for as long as I can remember. I love sifting through and finding something special and unique - something you wouldn’t find anywhere else. I also love finding things that mirror current fashion trends. Half of my wardrobe is vintage, I would say that nearly every day I will have at least one vintage item in my outfit. I often buy vintage pieces for shoots or just because I love them even if they’re not something I would (or could) wear. But the environmental impact of shopping vintage is hugely important to me as well.

C: What’s your daily uniform
S: Jeans, t-shirt and an oversized vintage jacket or coat with some simple gold jewellery and a pair of sunglasses.

3 things and the story beHind them
Schott 90s blue bomber jacket (pictured above) bought in a charity shop. I wore it for years before i checked the small pocket in the arm where I found a battered unopened condom wrapper!
My favourite black leather trousers. I was on an advertising job and one of the talents was this really interesting 80 year old woman. We got along really well and the next day she came in with a bag of her old clothes to give to me. There were so many great pieces but the leather trousers were just amazing and I still wear them often. I told her she should give them to her grandchildren one of whom was with her, but she scoffed at the idea and said they wouldn’t wear them!
I have so many of my Mum’s old clothes from the 1970s. My favourite bits are the sunglasses, belts and bikinis. But the most unique and special are a pair of her platforms, the platform itself is just a carved block of wood painted yellow and the top is suede green. I have photos of her wearing them in the village in Greece where we have a home and have spent all of our summers. The streets were paved with slippery uneven cobbles back then so I have no idea how she walked about in them!

Top sustainability fact
It takes around 2,700 litres of water to make a single cotton t-shirt!!!

Pop Up Shop
40 Golborne Road
London W10 5AN
opening times
Tuesday-Friday 10-4pm
Saturday 10-5pm
Insta: chillielondon
Tik Tok: chillielondon
P: chillielondon